Inside French Fashion

Micheal Osswald

black jacket, blue plaid dress shirt, light blue jeans, black suede vans

In the French fashion industry, there are always new types of trends that range from color schemes, hairstyles, and shoes. France has been considered one of, if not the biggest, influences in fashion since the late-1700s and has continued to transcend throughout history due to the fact that styles are constantly evolving. As the French continuously progress, their fashion industry still maintains its original style.

French fashion is unique because of the attention to detail; looking at a single outfit from a French designer and their ability to create an outfit is captivating to anyone who admires it. Some examples of current French designers and brands that receive praise and acclaim in the fashion world include Chanel and Dior; both brands have been very successful. Their unique designs have become celebrated world-wide and are now widely accepted as high-fashion.

When looking at trends between multiple designers, most have similar tastes in how they style their clothes. Some prime examples, such as the use of patterns—plaid, stripes, and dots in muted colors —allow their outfits to be easy on the eyes and simple at first glance. Through their own fashion sense, the French have tried to embody what it means to dress how they want in the way they want, even if it means stepping outside of the norm. 

White dress shirt, navy blue cashmeir sweater, light tan corrdiroy pants, white nike socks, and white air force ones.

From complex to simple designs, there are many trends currently raging in the French fashion community that can be seen in Southern California today. The most common trends in the past have been denim and floral patterns, which are still popular trends today, most likely because of their explosions of color. More recent trends include high platform boots and, surprisingly, normal sneakers; however, with popular fashion trends constantly forming also comes the difficulty of others trying to start new trends and make them last.

According to Ava Amitin, a fashion influencer in France, fashion is judged too harshly. Because of this, she feels uncomfortable wearing leggings and a hoodie to school. Fashion is usually run by the upper class in France, explains Amitin, “the haute couture dictate the trends.” 

The upper class has a more mature standpoint in fashion. “You can show less skin” because it allows for less revealing clothes, Amitin claims.

With so many different trends receiving recognition, France always keeps the best ones and adds them to their fashion collection, completely changing the fashion industry on a global scale. Hopefully France keeps its title as the leader of fashion and becomes an even bigger influencer to upcoming clothing designers near and far.