A Jiffy Lube Edited into a Fiery-Scape. (Photo By: Toby Hodne) “Oil Change Places in Huntington Beach” By Jiffy Lube is licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0.
Jiffy Lube, The End of Cars
Jiffy Lube is a popular chain of auto repair and oil change shops that have been in operation for several decades. Though the company has established itself as a trustworthy and reliable service provider, there have been incidents that suggest that Jiffy Lube is dangerous to the public’s vehicles. Some people have been left with damaged vehicles after receiving service from Jiffy Lube. Speaking from personal experience, my own car would not function after an oil change at Jiffy Lube.
One of the most significant concerns with Jiffy Lube is the quality of their oil changes. If oil filters are not replaced, clogging and other issues can cause engine failure. This can lead to engine damage over time, resulting in costly repairs and replacements. This issue is prominent in public talk spaces, such as CarTalk. User @olesoul13 said, “I needed an oil change on my car (I am very good about getting them done every 3000 miles) so I went to my local JL it was around 8:30 am. I paid and was on my way. Went across the state approx 257 miles one way, came back around 4:00 pm the next day. I had no problems at all (except for right after I left I was about 70 miles into my trip and my tires started to slip and I had never had this problem before so I called JL and explained what was going on and the manager told me that they may have accidentally bumped my 4 wheel drive while vacuuming and I needed to pull over, put it in 4 wheel drive then back out again and see if that fixed the problem. Which it did) I pulled into town and started to hear this, what sounded like a rattle paint can noise. Long story short, I checked my oil that day and found that my dipstick was bone dry even though I paid JL for an oil change 24 hours earlier. I took it to a mechanic and after removing the entire engine they found that my engine was broken due to liquid starvation (lack of oil).” Additionally, many customers report that Jiffy Lube technicians may not be properly trained or equipped to perform oil changes correctly. This can lead to a range of issues, including overfilling or underfilling the oil, using the wrong type of oil, or failing to replace the oil filter. These mistakes can cause serious damage to the engine over time, potentially leading to costly repairs or even engine failure which can put the driver and passengers at risk.
Personally, I went to Jiffy Lube for a simple oil change. Before arriving, my engine made a small noise, noticeably only when no music was on in my car. After going, I felt my car lurching. Hours later, my car would not accelerate past 30 miles an hour and my engine was knocking so loudly that I thought it was going to explode. After towing it, my mechanic said that it was due to them running my engine without any oil in it. Knowing this, I returned to Jiffy Lube, and spoke to the manager. While the manager was slightly helpful, he kept neglecting my main concerns and eventually concluded that the company was not responsible for the damage.
In addition, Jiffy Lube has been accused of using aggressive sales tactics, leading to unwanted services and repairs.

By: Jiffy Lube™
“Jiffy Lube Employee” by Jiffy Lube is licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0.
While it is understandable that Jiffy Lube wants to increase its revenue, pressuring customers into buying services they do not need can create an uncomfortable and untrustworthy environment. As well as more changes, some customers have reported feeling rushed during their visits to Jiffy Lube, with employees pushing them through the process as quickly as possible to move on to the next customer. This can make customers feel disregarded and not cared for.
In addition to oil changes, Jiffy Lube offers other maintenance services, such as tire rotations and air filter replacements. However, customers report that these services are often unnecessary or performed incorrectly. For example, some Jiffy Lube mechanics may rotate tires incorrectly, leading to uneven wear and tear on the tires. Similarly, some customers report that Jiffy Lube technicians have replaced perfectly good air filters, leading to unnecessary expenses. These absurd costs put a significant financial burden on them, which competes against Jiffy Lube’s claim to Leave Worry Behind®, Jiffy Lube’s Motto.
Furthermore, some customers may feel that Jiffy Lube does not care about them because of the company’s treatment of clients. Jiffy Lube is a franchise, which means that individual locations are owned and operated by independent business owners who may have different priorities and goals than the Jiffy Lube corporation. This can lead to inconsistencies in quality and service across different locations, which can be frustrating for customers who expect a certain level of service from the brand.
While Jiffy Lube and other quick-service centers may seem convenient and affordable, receiving services from the brand may be causing more harm than good to customers’ vehicles. Jiffy Lube may not intentionally disregard its customers, but certain aspects of the franchise’s practices can create an atmosphere where customers feel undervalued and unimportant.
As a customer, it is important to research and chooses an auto shop that prioritizes quality and customer satisfaction. To ensure the best possible maintenance for your vehicle, it is always recommended to seek out reputable and experienced service centers with well-trained technicians, such as taking your car to your dealership or another other trusted technicians who specialize in your car.