Link Crew is a nationally recognized organization that helps incoming freshmen and transfer students feel welcomed into their new school environment. The group helps students feel involved in the Huntington Beach High School (HBHS) Community and also gets them familiar with faces and people around the school. This organization is meant for upperclassmen to help guide new students through the challenges of high school. Link Crew holds an orientation for the new students in the summer, so they have time to adjust to their new setting before coming in on the first day. These meetings help develop an understanding between new students and their peers, easing the transition from one school to the other.
HBHS Link Crew offers many opportunities for juniors and seniors to touch base with their assigned group of freshmen during the month. Every first Wednesday of the month there is a New Student Meet and Greet where new students can come and meet their leaders and peers to feel more comfortable around the school.

One of the directors for Link Crew at Huntington, Claire Main says, “This event is an absolutely wonderful opportunity for students to get connected to upperclassmen on campus, there are fun games and snacks to come get. If you are in need of a connection for any reason whether it be to get help in your classes or just to find a friend to talk to, Link Crew leaders are always here to help.”
The environment is so welcoming and friendly and anyone having a hard day can always get a guaranteed smile when they’re around their leaders. The feeling of being able to be there for someone who is struggling and bringing some light into their day can change their whole perspective on their challenges.
Scarlett Vincent, a Huntington Beach High School Junior, says, “This is a very good opportunity to make new friends and feel welcomed into the school because it is a big school and it is hard to get to know some people.”
Link Crew leaders are supposed to bring freshmen in and involve them in the traditions and way of life inside the school that they don’t know about.
This program is also an amazing way for those involved in the program improve their leadership skills. Being able to help younger kids and make their lives feel more at ease is an example of how Link Crew builds on these leadership skills. Colleges look for strong individuals to have in their schools, and Link Crew is a great way to establish yourself as a leader. Being a part of Link Crew is not just to help new students but also to build oneself as an individual. By meeting every month new students are reminded that their Link Crew leaders are a consistent resource for them.